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Imagine a candle that whispers of elegance and tranquility, weaving a tapestry of memories and dreams. The delicate fragrance of rose petals dances with the earthy allure of sandalwood, creating an enchanting symphony of scents that transport you to a serene oasis. It's a gentle invitation to embrace moments of quiet reflection and blissful solitude, wrapped in the comforting warmth of flickering candlelight. Let this enchanting blend of rose petal and sandalwood be your companion as you journey through peaceful moments of self-discovery and relaxation.


ALL candles are hand-poured and made with JOY!  We pair our candles with Crystals, they are Handcrafted and made with 100% Soy Wax. We only use pure and natural scents, our products are free of toxins and carcinogens. 




Vibe: Romance, Earthy, Sweet, Enchanting


Rooted Rose

Price Options
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$16.20every month until canceled
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$15.30every month for 12 months
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